A Word from Chatzos Partners & Supporters

"I contacted Kollel Chatzos regarding two of my cousins, older bucherim still seeking their bashert. Three weeks later our family celebrated the engagement of one of them. Shortly after that, I became a double mechiten when the second boy celebrated his engagement!"
— Miriam from Miami, FL

"Our dear father was diagnosed with the terrible C word and was facing chemo and radiation. We were extremely fearful of the effects of chemotherapy since many patients' relatives had shared how it adversely affects the person, both physically and mentally. Several days after partnering with Kollel Chatzos the doctor relayed the great news: free from chemo!"
— Rachel from Los Angeles, CA

"Halfway through our yearly sale week, after investing in a huge marketing campaign, our store was empty and we were losing money. I have to tell you, I am a middle-aged man with a lot of life experience, but I have never been this astounded! Shortly after my son called in to sign up with Kollel Chatzos, customers started streaming in non-stop!"
—Yaakov from Far Rockaway, NY

"I discovered the true power of Kollel Chatzos vachnacht protection. Immediately after my son's vachnacht, complications landed him in the emergency room. But thank God, with Kollel Chatzos' protection, the bris was held at the right time, without any problems!"
— David from Brooklyn, NY

"A chill tingles up my spine as recall how I terrified I was when I called into the office of Kollel Chatzos asking that they learn and pray for my health after receiving a grim diagnoses from my physician. The medication required to treat it was accompanied by severe side effects. But with joy I recall my excited doctor's exact words to me: "Your biopsy results are back….forget the medication! Your results are clean and clear!"
— Freidy from London, UK

"About four months ago, I suffered a terrible illness which left me paralyzed from the waist down. One day in rehab, someone next to me exclaimed "you moved your foot!" Slowly but surely, after months of therapy, I am now a walking miracle. My overjoyed father informed me that he had partnered with Kollel Chatzos, so I asked him when they started mentioning my name and, after calculating the exact date, we realized it was the day I first moved my foot!"
— Sara from Monsey, NY

"We look at you as the catalysts for our yeshua, so we thought we should let you know… We just celebrated a beautiful seudashoda'ah for our precious eight-year-old daughter's miraculous recovery."
— Y.M.S. from Flatbush, NY

"As a doting and dedicated babi, the only thing I could do for my 24-year-old single granddaughter was to continue to renew my enrollment as a Kollel Chatzos sponsor. Yesterday, at my granddaughter's vort, she thanked me for giving her the best gift ever."
— N.H. from Monroe, NY

"… I have Baruch Hashem gotten engaged earlier tonight at the age of 28! Yes! I got engaged exactly on the 30th day of my partnership with Kollel Chatzos…"
— N.G.Z. from Brooklyn, NY

Marital Peace
"My Shalom Bayis has much improved, thankfully, and we now have a harmonious home. Our "Chatzos Partnership" was a small investment which brought huge returns."
— H.N. from Montreal, Canada

"After going to many doctors to try and help our little Tzadik'l walk on his own, we finally arrived at the right address – "Kollel Chatzos"…My 2½ year old finally started walking as any other child."
— M. S. from Antwerp

"Our store is B"H busy with a steady flow of customers, more than ever before! We actually consider "Kollel Chatzos" a standard business expense…"
— G. S. from Baltimore, MD

"For nine months, I hunted for a job – desperately, but unsuccessfully. Two days ago, I partnered with Chatzos Kollel. And today, baruch Hashem, I was hired at my ideal job."
— Y. M. S. from Flatbush, NY

"When he woke up from the complicated brain surgery, he was completely back to his old self. In fact, one day later, he was already up and out of bed. The doctors were amazed and perplexed, but we were not. We knew that we were carried on the heiligekoach of Chatzos HaLayla limudha Torah."
— C.M.H. from London, UK

"My sister gave us the best present; a Kollel Chatzos Partnership, as a zechus for zara chaya v'kayama. It's exactly one year later – and we are celebrating our firstborn's Kiddush. We don't have enough words to thank her."
— D. W. from Queens, NY

"It sounds unbelievable… The esteemed Chatzos talmidei chachamim performed the Pidyon Reshash on my behalf – exactly four o'clock, New York-time.
At precisely four o'clock, our mazel seemed to have overturned. We closed a lucrative business deal, and one of our children gave us a real nachas surprise. The precision of the timing was uncanny…"
— Y.G. from Brooklyn, NY

"when money is tight, the home's atmosphere is suffocating… And when you're the breadwinner, you feel the choke hold even more strongly… So when my boss called me into his office – just one dayafter I signed a Chatzos partnership-and offered me a raise, I didn't just exhale; I felt like I – and my family – just received a new lease on life…"
— A.S.B. from Monsey, NY
A Word from Kollel Members

As our family consists of mostly young children, I was a bit hesitant about joining a kollel with abnormal hours. But I will be the first to admit that I've never been more of a father. Since I join, I am home in the morning to help see my kids off to school and am there when they get off the bus. Unlike most fathers today, I am able to sit down to a proper dinner with them each evening before helping with the nightly duties. My wife is more calm and happy than she's ever been, and our household has flourished because of the excellent decision to become a Chatzos member!"
— Chaim Neuwirth

After two years of learning at a regular kollel, I felt a sense of disconnect. Appointments and constant phone interruptions from either my phone or my chavrusa's left me running on such an erratic schedule that I found no joy in my daily learning. I made a choice to switch to Kollel Chatzos and my life simply turned around! I found a new purpose in life and feel like a new person. Every night I sit down to hours of nonstop learning without distractions. I have achieved more spiritually and scholastically in the last three months at Chatzos than I did in my two years of day kollel. To top it all off, I play a big part in helping people through the power of this amazing segulah. What a blessing!"
— David Meir Yakob

To be honest, I had a hard time imagining myself being able to commit to such a lifestyle change. I felt I would be too tired to cope with both learning at such hours and of being a family man. I could not have been more wrong! The energy that surrounds the kollel during the night is indescribable as the learning is done not just for you, but for a group of Jews desperately in need of assistance. And the daily davening at vasikin is the highlight that ends the night and instills a power that keeps me going all day. I see my kids more now than ever before and my wife appreciates the help I can offer because of my schedule. For me, it was the best life course change with only positive results!"
— Shlomo Rosenblatt
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changed your life in a meaningful way