Now is your time to be blessed with all good, and free yourself from all agony.
The Pidyon Rashash has it all!
Reb Chaim Vital performed this renowned Pidyon for himself every year. He wrote that it had been tried and proven many times. The Arizal revealed this powerful pidyon, and the Reshash instructed how to perform it: set aside 160 silver coins, recite special Kabalistic Tefilos, and donate the coins to Talmidei Chachamim who are Moser Nefesh to learn Torah. This Segulah gives a Pidyon Nefesh (redemption of the soul) and a new Tzelem Elokim. It is cited in many Sefarim, and many Gedolim and Rebbes have quoted and performed it. The Sefer Shemen Sason writes that whoever performs it will live through the year. The Sefer Sha’arei Rachamim says it is a segulah from Eliyahu HaNavi. On 10 Shvat, the Kollel Chatzos Mekubalim will perform this Segulah and distribute the coins to the Kollel learners. Each Pidyon is performed individually after Chatzos. JOIN NOW!