Your Chanukah Yeshuah
The Rabbonim will daven for you on Chanukah in MeronMeron & by Reb Akiva, and on "Zos Chanuka" at the Gravesite of the Chashmonoim in Modiin and we will also perform the powerful Ketores Segulah in Meron.
A Month of Yeshuos
Igniting the Torah flame, by donating the equivelance of the word נר - candle. Your Hazkarah will be mentioned in Meron and in Tverya for a full Month
Gold Sponsor: Chanukah is Yours
The unbelievable Zchus of being the ultimate pillar of Torah at Kollel Chatzos by sponsoring one night of Chanukah a full Kollel Chatzos. All blessings and yeshuos are coming your way. We will storm the heavens on your behalf.
Ketores Segulah
The Talmidei chachamim in Meron will perform starting on Zos Chanuka the ketores Segulah on your behalf 4 times, once a week
Al Hanissim
Zos Chanukah is Mesugal for so many Yeshuos. The Rabbonim will daven for you on Zos Chanukah in Meron at the Kever of Rashbi and by the Kever of the Chashmonoim in Modiin.
Pidyon Rashash
The Arizal's powerful redemption known as Pidyon Rashash, proven to bring limitless Yeshuos, for a Gmar Chasima Tova! A Mekubal will perform it exclusively on your behalf, individually for every name with 160 pure silver coins
Hatoras Klalos
Kollel Chatzos offers a proper Hatoras Klalos ritual that helps obliterate the effect of curses and Ayin Hara. We perform the procedure and excise the evil presence from both the person under duress and any potential originator of the curse.
Amuka Segula
Your name being mentioned by Kollel Chatzos messengers for 30 days in Amukah, storming the heavens on your behalf to find your Bashert
Chanukah is Mesugal for so many Yeshuos.