A Special Opportunity on a Special Day
Monday night August 1 - 5 Av.
It’s a special day. And a special opportunity. Especially for the Kollel Chatzos talmidei chachamim of the Meron Kollel – and their partners.
It is known that the Arizal highlighted the significance of learning at chatzos and proclaimed that tefilos at midnight are particularly precious to Hashem. Therefore, to these talmidei chachamim, who dedicate night after night to Torah and tefila, the yahrtzeit of the Arizal is especially meaningful.
And there’s still more. On 5 Av, in addition to the usual Torah and tefila, the talmidei chachamim of the Meron Kollel Chatzos perform the holy Ketores Segulah, revealed to us by the Arizal, at his kever in Tzfas.
Passed from generation to generation, yidden in time of need have performed this segulah and merited miraculous salvations. The tefila of the ketores itself is lauded numerous times throughout the Zohar by Rabi Shimon bar Yochai. In fact, the Zohar writes that if yidden would recognize the greatness of this segulah, they would don it like a crown on their heads. Still, it was the Arizal who instituted this segulah and underscored its greatness, teaching us “when a minyan of ten ehrliche yiden gather at midnight and perform the special Ketores Segulah with kavana, they make a tremendous impact in shamayim and poel tremendous salvations.” Throughout our long, bitter galus years, gedolei hatzadikim, including the holy Apta Rav and Shinover Rav, zt”l, advised yidden to perform the holy segula, so they should merit life and peace and salvation.
And so, the talmidei chachamim of Kollel Chatzos and their partners eagerly anticipate 5 Av. For the past several years, after the talmidei chachamim performed the Ketores Segulah on behalf of hundreds of yidden from around the world who yearn for a yeshua, countless of these individuals called to share the miraculous yeshuos they merited in the merit of this segula.
On 5 Av, before traveling to learn at Meron, the talmidei chachamim will gather at the kever of the Arizal at the venerated Bais HaChaim in Tzfas, so that they can perform the Ketores Segulah with the holy kavanos prescribed by the Arizal at the kever of the Arizal. The segulah includes reciting Parshas Ketores, the pasuk “Vaya’as es hamenorah,” three times forward and backward, the perek of “Vihi noam” seven times and other holy pesukim forward and back. At the conclusion, there is a heart stirring tefilla, in which the talmidei chachamim implore Hashem to have mercy on His precious yidden. During this tefilla, the talmidei chachamim will specify the names of all the donors and their personal bakashos. Afterwards they will continue to immerse themselves in their nightly Torah and tefilla seder.
This special segulah, which has transformed the lives of hundreds of Kollel Chatzos sponsors, can be a source of miracles for you, as well. Call 24 hours 718-887-9114 to become a Kollel Chatzos partner.