Every midnight, nearly 100 scholars in these communities leave their warm beds and gather at Kollel Chatzos to study Torah throughout the night.
Kollel Chatzos is a global learning organization with five physical locations in Meron, Israel; Tverya, Israel; Boro Park, NY; Monsey, NY; and Monroe, NY.
Together, the five Kollel locations cast a nightlong net of divine shmira and siyata dishmaya for Klal Yisroel. As the day hours are universally covered with Torah, Kollel Chatzos covers the nightly gap from 6pm to 6am:
6pm Eastern Time is 1am in Israel, which is when the Meron Kollel arises. Six hours later, the kollelim in America take over for 6 subsequent hours. The Guardian of Israel does not sleep – so we make sure Torah is learned throughout the night.
6pm Eastern Time is 1am in Israel, which is when the Meron Kollel arises. Six hours later, the kollelim in America take over for 6 subsequent hours. The Guardian of Israel does not sleep – so we make sure Torah is learned throughout the night.
At the stroke of midnight, Kollel members are collected from their homes to gather in shul. After a purifying immersion in a mikvah, they are ready for immersion in Torah.
1:00 am
Our scholars' voices trade passages and insights of Gemara and Shulchan Aruch. They break to recite the names of Chatzos partners and advocate on their behalf.
Night culminates in a spiritual Shacharis at vasikin. Kollel members, purified by hours of uninterrupted Torah study, once again pray on behalf of Chatzos partners.
Concluding this amazing contribution to Klal Yisroel, kollel members head home for breakfast, family time and brief rest before they head back to their daytime kollel. Little rest for the weary.